Zero-sequence voltage starting device

When a ground fault occurs, the zero-sequence voltage activation device installed in the busbar will record the zero sequence voltage waveform and calculate the precise moment T of the sudden change of the zero sequence voltage.

Product Introduction

When a ground fault occurs, the zero-sequence voltage activation device installed in the busbar will record the zero sequence voltage waveform and calculate the precise moment T of the sudden change of the zero sequence voltage. It realizes fault location by using the system to retrieve the three phase current waveform at the same moment T of all the high precision transient recording type fault indicators installed in the line where the zero sequence activation device is located, and according to the upstream and downstream waveform characteristics of the fault point.

Working Principle

Zero-sequence voltage initiating device is installed in the substation grounding neutral point (if no neutral point, then it is connected to the busbar/outgoing line) or on the line. Zero-sequence voltage start device will collect three phase line voltage and synthesize zero-sequence voltage in real time. When a single-phase ground fault occurs at any point on the line, the zero-sequence voltage initiating device installed in the substation or on the line detects the sudden change of the fault zero-sequence voltage and records the zero-sequence voltage fault waveform, in addition, the zero-sequence voltage initiating device is equipped with a GPS module and calibrates the local clock in real time. It analyzes the fault waveform through its own algorithm and gets the precise moment T, and sends the moment T to the system master. After that, the system master sends the fault moment T to all the high-precision transient recording fault indicators on the line where the zero-sequence voltage starter device is located in a broadcast mode, so as to have wide-area recording of ground fault and locate fault by using the difference of upstream and downstream waveforms at the fault point.


Product Features

● Real-time monitoring of substation bus zero-sequence voltage 3U0.

● Obtain the precise fault moment after detecting the ground fault.

●GPS or BeiDou mode time calibration.

●The recording range includes 4 waves before the fault to 8 waves after the fault, with a sampling rate of 12.8k and 256 sampling points per week, and the recording start threshold (sudden change of zero-sequence voltage) can be set.

●The zero-sequence voltage start device has remote parameter configuration feature.

●Support communication statute IEC60870-5-101.

●The operation log is no less than 1024 items.

The S0E information is no less than 256 items.

●The fixed point record is no less than 31 days.

Product details
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